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Predicting Agitation-Sedation Levels in Intensive Care Unit Patients: Development of an Ensemble Model

Predicting Agitation-Sedation Levels in Intensive Care Unit Patients: Development of an Ensemble Model

Predicting Agitation-Sedation Levels in Intensive Care Unit Patients: Development of an Ensemble Model

1Department of Digital Medicine, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan

2Department of Nursing, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, 1650 Taiwan Boulevard Sect. 4, Taichung, Taiwan

3Department of Computer Science, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan

4Department of Critical Care Medicine, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, No 1650, Section 4, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitan District, Taichung City, Taiwan

5Department of Post-Baccalaureate Medicine, College of Medicine, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan

6Computer & Communications Center, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan

7College of Engineering, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan

Corresponding Author:

Chieh-Liang Wu, PhD

Background: Agitation and sedation management is critical in intensive care as it affects patient safety. Traditional nursing assessments suffer from low frequency and subjectivity. Automating these assessments can boost intensive care unit (ICU) efficiency, treatment capacity, and patient safety.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to develop a machine-learning based assessment of agitation and sedation.

Methods: Using data from the Taichung Veterans General Hospital ICU database (2020), an ensemble learning model was developed for classifying the levels of agitation and sedation. Different ensemble learning model sequences were compared. In addition, an interpretable artificial intelligence approach, SHAP (Shapley additive explanations), was employed for explanatory analysis.

Results: With 20 features and 121,303 data points, the random forest model achieved high area under the curve values across all models (sedation classification: 0.97; agitation classification: 0.88). The ensemble learning model enhanced agitation sensitivity (0.82) while maintaining high AUC values across all categories (all >0.82). The model explanations aligned with clinical experience.

Conclusions: This study proposes an ICU agitation-sedation assessment automation using machine learning, enhancing efficiency and safety. Ensemble learning improves agitation sensitivity while maintaining accuracy. Real-time monitoring and future digital integration have the potential for advancements in intensive care.

JMIR Med Inform 2025;13:e63601



Patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) often experience various clinical problems, such as pain, agitation, and delirium. Agitation refers to physical restlessness due to treatment discomfort or delirium; this condition cannot be self-controlled [Jacobi J, Fraser GL, Coursin DB, Task force of the American College of Critical Care Medicine (ACCM) of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), American College of Chest Physicians, et al. Clinical practice guidelines for the sustained use of sedatives and analgesics in the critically ill adult. Crit Care Med. 2002;30:119-141. [CrossRef] [Medline]1]. Agitation is common in patients in ICUs; most of these patients (71%) exhibit agitation on approximately 58% of their total inpatient days [Chanques G, Jaber S, Barbotte E, et al. Impact of systematic evaluation of pain and agitation in an intensive care unit. Crit Care Med. Jun 2006;34(6):1691-1699. [CrossRef] [Medline]2-Fraser GL, Riker RR. Sedation and analgesia in the critically ill adult. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. Apr 2007;20(2):119-123. [CrossRef] [Medline]4]. Agitation can lead to the accidental removal of tubes and catheters, compromising patient safety, extending ICU stays, and causing complications [Cohen IL, Gallagher TJ, Pohlman AS, Dasta JF, Abraham E, Papadokos PJ. Management of the agitated intensive care unit patient. Crit Care Med. Jan 2002;30(1):S97-S123. [CrossRef] [Medline]5]. Throughout the treatment period, nurses must regularly evaluate the levels of agitation and sedation and titrate the dosages of sedatives accordingly for patient care.

Various scales have been developed for measuring sedation effects. Among them, the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS) is the most reliable and effective [Ely EW, Truman B, Shintani A, et al. Monitoring sedation status over time in ICU patients: reliability and validity of the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS). JAMA. Jun 11, 2003;289(22):2983-2991. [CrossRef] [Medline]6]. This scale was developed by a multidisciplinary team at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. It employs a simple and clearly defined scoring system with distinct standards for measuring the levels of sedation and agitation. Agitation and sedation levels are represented by positive and negative scores, respectively. The RASS assessment is performed by nurses every few hours, which consumes their significant work time. Reducing the time required for RASS evaluations could increase ICU treatment capacity, thereby improving care quality and patient safety.

However, this scale has some disadvantages, such as low evaluation frequency and high subjectivity, due to variations in patient evaluation standards among medical personnel. Occasionally, nurses may have insufficient knowledge about delirium, which can increase the risk of incorrect evaluations by 20 times [Guenther U, Weykam J, Andorfer U, et al. Implications of objective vs subjective delirium assessment in surgical intensive care patients. Am J Crit Care. Jan 2012;21(1):e12-e20. [CrossRef] [Medline]7]. Furthermore, errors in evaluation of patient conditions may result in excessive or insufficient sedation. These issues can be attributed to the subjectivity and uncertainties in the RASS evaluation process, which relies on patients’ audiovisual responses, making it is unsuitable for those with severe audiovisual impairment [Sessler CN, Gosnell MS, Grap MJ, et al. The Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale: validity and reliability in adult intensive care unit patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Nov 15, 2002;166(10):1338-1344. [CrossRef] [Medline]8]. The RASS facilitates intermittent measurement of agitation levels and assessment of patient behavior; however, unlike activity monitors, it cannot assist in the continuous monitoring of agitation levels [Grap MJ, Hamilton VA, McNallen A, et al. Actigraphy: analyzing patient movement. Heart Lung. 2011;40(3):e52-e59. [CrossRef] [Medline]9].

The study’s aim was to develop an ensemble learning model for the continuous evaluation of agitation and sedation levels in patients admitted to ICUs. The model is expected to facilitate patient monitoring, provide early warnings about patient behavior, increase assessment frequency, and enable automatic evaluation of patient conditions with treatment suggestions. We believe that this novel design could improve the clinical monitoring of agitation and sedation levels in patients in ICUs, enhance the quality of medical care, and reduce the wastage of medical resources.


Taichung Veterans General Hospital (TCVGH) is a 1530-bed medical center in central Taiwan with 7 ICUs comprising a total of 138 beds. We obtained access to the critical care database (AI-111010) of the AI Center of TCVGH. The following data were collected: basic information, disease severity, ventilator use, blood biochemistry, vital signs, catheter types, and medication records.

Research Framework

The study consisted of five major steps: (1) data collection in the ICU, (2) data preprocessing (data imputation and data sampling), (3) ensemble learning model construction, (4) final evaluation, and (5) implementation of explainable AI (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Research framework consisted of 5 steps: (1) data collection in the ICU, (2) data preprocessing (data imputation, data sampling), (3) ensemble learning model construction, (4) final evaluation, (5) explainable AI. AI: artificial intelligence; RASS: Richmond Agitation–Sedation scale; ROC: receiver operating characteristic; SHAP: Shapley additive explanations.

Data Preprocessing

Data Imputation

Basic information includes patients’ age. Predicting RASS in older patients is more challenging. Regarding disease severity, patients’ acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE II) scores may impact their predicted RASS scores [Ely EW, Truman B, Shintani A, et al. Monitoring sedation status over time in ICU patients: reliability and validity of the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS). JAMA. Jun 11, 2003;289(22):2983-2991. [CrossRef] [Medline]6,Woods JC, Mion LC, Connor JT, et al. Severe agitation among ventilated medical intensive care unit patients: frequency, characteristics and outcomes. Intensive Care Med. Jun 2004;30(6):1066-1072. [CrossRef] [Medline]10]. Missing data were imputed using average values.

In addition, the use of ventilators was considered. Ventilator modes were categorized into 3 conditions: no ventilator use, noninvasive ventilator use, and invasive ventilator use. Invasive ventilators may cause discomfort, indirectly affecting RASS scores [Sessler CN, Gosnell MS, Grap MJ, et al. The Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale: validity and reliability in adult intensive care unit patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Nov 15, 2002;166(10):1338-1344. [CrossRef] [Medline]8,Woods JC, Mion LC, Connor JT, et al. Severe agitation among ventilated medical intensive care unit patients: frequency, characteristics and outcomes. Intensive Care Med. Jun 2004;30(6):1066-1072. [CrossRef] [Medline]10-Jauk S, Kramer D, Großauer B, et al. Risk prediction of delirium in hospitalized patients using machine learning: an implementation and prospective evaluation study. J Am Med Inform Assoc. Jul 1, 2020;27(9):1383-1392. [CrossRef] [Medline]12]. Furthermore, PAW (average airway pressure) values, a ventilator parameter, were estimated accordingly. For patients on ventilators, the average value from all ventilator-wearing patients was used to impute missing data, whereas patients without ventilators were assigned normal random values.

In the category of blood biochemistry, features such as creatinine, lactate, and glucose were included. These were directly associated with patients’ physiological conditions [Woods JC, Mion LC, Connor JT, et al. Severe agitation among ventilated medical intensive care unit patients: frequency, characteristics and outcomes. Intensive Care Med. Jun 2004;30(6):1066-1072. [CrossRef] [Medline]10]. Typically, blood tests were conducted weekly within a 7-day data window. When no blood test data were available within this timeframe, indicating stable patient condition, normal random values were used for imputation.

Vital signs, including blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiratory rate, were indirectly associated with changes in patients’ RASS scores [Wong A, Young AT, Liang AS, Gonzales R, Douglas VC, Hadley D. Development and validation of an electronic health record-based machine learning model to estimate delirium risk in newly hospitalized patients without known cognitive impairment. JAMA Netw Open. Aug 3, 2018;1(4):e181018. [CrossRef] [Medline]13]. Since vital signs were densely and continuously monitored features, adjacent values were used to fill in missing data directly.

Medication records included the type and dosage of sedatives and analgesics administered to patients, such as benzodiazepine sedatives, muscle relaxants, opioid-related analgesics, antipsychotics, hypnotics, and anesthetics. These drugs can directly or indirectly influence patients’ consciousness levels and RASS score changes. Due to the varying recording methods for drug dosage across different types of medications, establishing a consistent standard was challenging. Therefore, in this study, the presence or absence of records indicating the use of muscle relaxants or sedative-hypnotics within the past 8 hours was used as a feature for RASS assessment.

Data Sampling

To address severe data imbalance issues (oversedation: 43,199 cases, maintain range: 77,290 cases, agitation: 814 cases), this study employed data oversampling and undersampling techniques to enhance model learning effectiveness. In addition, discussions with clinical experts were conducted to determine the most suitable sampling approach.

Model Construction

Based on clinical care experience, this study proposed an ensemble learning model that integrates two submodels—sedation and agitation—to classify events into oversedation (RASS -5 to -2), maintain range (clinically expected maintenance RASS -1 to 1), and agitation (RASS 2 to 4).

First, the sedation and agitation models were constructed using 4 ML algorithms: logistic regression, random forest, XGBoost, and LightGBM. The algorithm with the best performance was selected as the foundation for both the sedation and agitation models. Subsequently, the two submodels were combined into 2 sequential ensemble learning models: the sedation-first ensemble model and the agitation-first ensemble model. In the sedation-first model, the sedation model was first used to distinguish “oversedation” from “other,” and the remaining categories were then input into the agitation model to further differentiate between “maintain range” and “agitation.” Conversely, in the agitation-first model, the agitation model was first applied to separate “agitation” from “other,” and the remaining categories were then passed into the sedation model to classify “oversedation” and “maintain range.” (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Ensemble model construction consisted of 3 steps: (1) Choose a more suitable ML model, (2) Construct difference sequence ensemble learning model, (3) Classify patient into three categories. ML: machine learning

Final Evaluation

We used confusion matrices and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves as indicators to evaluate model accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and area under the curve. The ROC curves helped to compare sensitivity with specificity. Effective models exhibited high sensitivity and specificity, resulting in high area under the curve values.

Explainable AI

Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) was applied, making the ML system transparent. The top 20 features were selected, and Shapley additive explanations and partial dependence plots were used to visualize their contributions, aiding in understanding the model’s decision-making process. Clinical personnel could use this information to offer patient-specific evaluations or decision-making suggestions.


This study used statistical methods, including mean (SD) and t-test, for numerical data analysis and observation. These methods were used to describe dataset central tendencies, assess variability, and compare group differences. Proportions of each category were also calculated for categorical data. They helped to extract meaningful information and interpret research results.

Ethical Considerations

This study was approved by the TCVGH Institutional Review Board (CE22484A). Informed consent was obtained, with participants given the option to withdraw at any time. For secondary analyses, original consent covered data reuse without additional approval. Data were anonymized to protect privacy, and strict security measures were applied.

Data Collection

This study collected data from adult patients (aged≥20 years) admitted to the ICU at TCVGH between January 1 and December 31, 2020, with an ICU stay lasting more than 24 hours. Every 4-hour RASS assessment (with increased frequency depending on the patient’s condition) was considered as a classification event, with events marked as not assessable excluded due to concurrent procedures. Since the average ICU stay did not exceed 30 days, events from ICU stays longer than 30 days were also excluded. A total of 121,306 events were collected, with an average of 108 events per patient (range: 6 to 186). The machine learning (ML) model was trained using data from the 8 hours prior to each event, including ventilator parameters, vital signs, and medication records, along with laboratory biochemical data from the previous week (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Flowchart of subject enrollment. ICU: intensive care unit; RASS: Richmond Agitation–sedation scale; TCVGH: Taichung Veterans General Hospital.
Feature Selection

Based on the literature and clinical experience, the feature selection process in this study involved in-depth discussions with physicians and nurses. During this process, the missing rate of each feature was considered, and features with a missing rate exceeding 20% were excluded. Finally, 23 features were selected, and appropriate imputation methods were applied (Table 1). Categorical features (eg, ventilator modes and medications) were defined based on the presence of recorded events within the past 8 hours. Continuous features such as vital signs and ventilator parameters were calculated as the average values over the past 8 hours, while laboratory test features were based on the most recent record within the past week.

Table 1. All features used in model training, including their respective units, missing rates, and data imputation methods aligned with clinical requirements.
Projects and featuresUnitMissing rate (%)Imputation method
Basic Information
Disease severity
 APACHEa IIscore2.4Average
Use of ventilatorb0.0None
 Ventilation Mode
  No ventilation (0)
  Noninvasive ventilation (1)
  Invasive ventilation (2)
 Average airway pressure (Paw)cmH2O5.0Average/Normal Range (Random)
Blood biochemical test dataNormal Range (Random)
 Glucose (One touch)mg/dL2.7
 Bicarbonate (HCO3)mmol/L11.8
 Hematocrit (Hct)%12.7
 Hemoglobin (Hgb)g/dL0.2
 Potassium (K)mEq/L0.2
 Phytohemagglutinin (PH_A)value12.7
 Sodium (Na)mEq/L12.7
 Platelets (PLT)thou/mm³0.2
 Partial pressure of oxygen (PO2)mmHg4.1
 White blood cells (WBC)thou/mm³0.3
Vital signsPre and post values
 Systolic blood pressure (SBP)mmHg0.1
 Diastolic blood pressure (DBP)mmHg0.1
 Respiratory rate (RR)bpm0.1
 Blood oxygen saturation (SPO2)%0.0
Medication records0.0None
  No (0)
  Yes (1)

aAPACHE: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation.

bNot applicable.

cBUN: blood urea nitrogen.

Description of the Study Population

Statistical analysis indicated that nearly all features significantly affect the level of agitation-sedation. Patients with oversedation typically exhibited higher disease severity, lower blood oxygen levels, and a higher proportion of invasive ventilator use. In contrast, patients with agitation showed higher vital sign values and a greater proportion of sedative medication usage (Table 2).

Table 2. Statistical analysis of datasets used to train the two models. Proportion: Percentage of Population
Overall (N=121,303)Oversedation
Maintain range
Agitation (n=814)P value
Numerical features, mean (SD)
 Age67.5 (14.9)68.21 (5.2)67.2 (14.8)66.1 (15.3)<.001
 APACHEa II23.9 (7)26.4 (6.6)22.5 (6.8)23.2 (6.2)<.001
 Average airway pressure (Paw)22.0 (5.7)23.6 (6.2)21.1 (5.1)21.3 (4.9)<.001
 BUNb39.8 (30.6)45.1 (33.7)36.8 (28.4)34.7 (26.7)<.001
 Creatinine2.0 (2.2)2.1 (2.2)1.9 (2.2)1.9 (2.2)<.001
 Glucose (One touch)168.8 (49.4)175.5 (53.1)165.2 (46.8)162.9 (46.9)<.001
 Bicarbonate (HCO3)24.1 (4.7)23.4 (5.1)24.5 (4.4)24.8 (4.7)<.001
 Hematocrit (Hct)30.9 (7.1)30.9 (7.6)30.9 (6.8)32.2 (7).14
 Hemoglobin (Hgb)9.7 (1.9)9.6 (2)9.8 (1.8)10.1 (1.9)<.001
 Potassium (K)3.9 (0.6)4.0 (0.6)3.9 (0.5)3.9 (0.6)<.001
 Lactate17.7 (16.6)22.4 (21.4)15.1 (12.4)18.0 (20.4)<.001
 Phytohemagglutinin (PH_A)7.4 (0.1)7.4 (0.1)7.4 (0.1)7.4 (0.1)<.001
 Sodium (NA)140.3 (6.5)141.0 (6.9)139.9 (6.2)141.4 (6.4)<.001
 Platelets (PLT)187.8 (114.5)175.3 (108.2)194.7 (117.3)201.1 (115.5)<.001
 Partial pressure of oxygen (PO2)124.2 (50.2)120.4 (49.6)126.3 (50.4)121.5 (53.7)<.001
 White blood cells (WBC)12394.1 (12277)13764.4 (15679.1)11636.5 (9854)11601.5 (6364.6)<.001
 Systolic blood pressure (SBP)123.2 (19.4)119.5 (19.7)125.2 (18.9)126.2 (18.5)<.001
 Diastolic blood pressure (DBP)70.1 (12.7)67.4 (13)71.6 (12.2)73.7 (11.8)<.001
 Respiratory rate (RR)18.8 (4.2)19.7 (4.9)18.2 (3.7)19.1 (3.9)<.001
 SPO297.2 (7.2)95.9 (10.9)97.9 (3.7)97.2 4)<.001
 Pulse88.7 (17.8)90.4 (19.3)87.7 (16.8)93.2 (18.5)<.001
Categorical features, n (%)
 Medicine (Yes)26,787 (22%)8,601 (20%)17,658 (23%)528 (65%)<.001
 Invasive ventilation92,257 (76%)40,168 (93%)51,505 (67%)584 (72%)<.001
 Noninvasive ventilation5937 (5%)587 (1%)5295 (7%)55 (7%)<.001
 No ventilation23,109 (19%)2444 (6%)20,490 (26%)175 (21%)<.001

aAPACHE: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation.

bBUN: blood urea nitrogen.

Model Development and Validation

Data Sampling of Agitation Classification

Given the significant class imbalance observed (Table 2), we explored various data sampling methods to enhance the model’s sensitivity (recall) for detecting agitated patients. Among these methods, the undersampling approach demonstrated the most notable performance, achieving a sensitivity of 0.82 (Table 3). Consequently, we selected the undersampling method as the data processing strategy.

Table 3. Random forest model performance of different sampling methods for agitation category patients.
ClassificationSampling method (number of patients)PrecisionRecallF1 score
Agitation ModelNon (n=77288, 814)0.810.260.39
Undersampling (n=642,642)0.030.820.06
SMOTEa (n=61834, 61834)

aSMOTE: synthetic minority oversampling technique

Performance Comparison of Two Submodels in ML Models

The results of the confusion matrices and ROC curves for the 4 ML models (as shown in Table 4) indicate that the random forest model outperformed the others in both the sedation prediction (accuracy: 0.92, AUC: 0.96) and agitation prediction (accuracy: 0.80, AUC: 0.88). Additionally, the random forest model exhibited superior sensitivity (recall) for detecting agitated patients. Consequently, we selected the random forest model as the foundation for constructing various ensemble learning frameworks to facilitate further analysis and applications.

Table 4. Four different ML models performance comparison of sedation classification and agitation classification.
Classification and modelsAccuracyPrecisionRecallAUCaCross-validation Avg-ACCb (kfold=10)
 Logistic regression0.720.710.650.710.71
 Random forest0.920.910.910.960.92
 Logistic regression0.640.510.610.720.66
 Random forest0.800.030.820.880.77

aAUC: area under the curve.

bACC: accuracy.

cXGBoost: extreme gradient boosting.

dLGBM: light gradient-boosting machine.

Ensemble Learning Model Performance Comparison

The performance results of different sequences of ensemble learning models indicate that prioritizing the identification of agitated patients is more effective in improving sensitivity (recall: 0.82) compared to strategies that first identify oversedated patients. Furthermore, the AUC for all 3 states remained above 0.82 (as shown in Table 5. Given the higher immediate risk associated with agitated patients, the agitation-first ensemble model was selected as the most suitable approach.

Table 5. Comparison of performance in classifying the three categories among ensemble learning models with different sequences.
Classification sequence and categoriesAccuracyPrecisionRecallAUCa
Sedation-first ensemble model0.79
 Maintain range0.920.840.82
Agitation-first ensemble model0.75
 Maintain range0.920.760.82

aAUC: area under the curve.

Explainable AI (XAI)

The top 4 features that contribute the most to sedation classification are the use of an invasive ventilator (invasive ventilation), APACHE II score, lactate level (LACTATE), and average airway pressure (PAW). A high APACHE II score indicates a high likelihood of oversedation (Figure 4A). The dependency graph of the first 4 features represents how each feature affects the classification results. In most cases, an APACHE II score>29 was positively associated with oversedation (Figure 4B).

Patients who used sedatives were more likely to experience agitation. Patients with a high hemoglobin level were more likely to experience agitation. The dependence plots of the top 4 features indicated that sedative use was positively correlated with agitation. Hemoglobin levels >10 g/dL and≤10 g/dL were positively correlated with agitation and maintained sedation range, respectively (Figure 5).

Overall, patients on mechanical ventilation were mostly sedated, with those in the maintain range exhibiting more stable blood test results and vital signs compared to oversedated or agitated patients.

Figure 4. The explanations of features contribution to sedation classification. (A) The attributes of the features in the model. Each line represents a feature, and the abscissa is the SHAP value. Red dots represent higher feature values, and blue dots represent lower feature values. (B) SHAP dependence plot for the top 4 clinical features contributing to the model. APACHE: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; Paw: average airway pressure.
Figure 5. The explanations of features contribution to agitation classification. (A) The attributes of the features in the model. Each line represents a feature, and the abscissa is the SHAP value. Red dots represent higher feature values, and blue dots represent lower feature values. (B) SHAP dependence plot for the top 4 clinical features contributing to the model. HCT: hematocrit; Hgb: hemoglobin; SpO2: blood oxygen saturation.

Principal findings

This study successfully developed a model for automating RASS-like agitation-sedation evaluation. Automated agitation-sedation evaluation could be an alternative to RASS and play a crucial role in enhancing ICU efficiency, ultimately improving health care outcomes, care quality, and patient safety.

Machine learning aids ICU personnel in the early detection of high-risk events [Syed M, Syed S, Sexton K, et al. Application of machine learning in intensive care unit (ICU) settings using MIMIC dataset: systematic review. Informatics (MDPI). Mar 2021;8(1):16. [CrossRef] [Medline]14]. Previous studies have used ML to predict mortality rates in ICU patients with acute kidney injury, predict postoperative sepsis mortality rates, and forecast extubation failure in the ICU [Lin K, Hu Y, Kong G. Predicting in-hospital mortality of patients with acute kidney injury in the ICU using random forest model. Int J Med Inform. May 2019;125:55-61. [CrossRef] [Medline]15-Zhao QY, Wang H, Luo JC, et al. Development and validation of a machine-learning model for prediction of extubation failure in intensive care units. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021;8:676343. [CrossRef] [Medline]17]. However, studies on ML for agitation-sedation evaluation in ICU patients are limited.

Zhang et al [Zhang Z, Liu J, Xi J, Gong Y, Zeng L, Ma P. Derivation and validation of an ensemble model for the prediction of agitation in mechanically ventilated patients maintained under light sedation. Crit Care Med. Mar 1, 2021;49(3):e279-e290. [CrossRef] [Medline]18] ensemble 4 machine-learning methods for predicting agitation in ventilated patients under light sedation for 24 hours. However, their ensemble model was limited to predicting agitation in patients with invasive ventilator support under light sedation for 24 hours. Other researchers have proposed using patient body and facial image monitoring for agitation detection [Chase JG, Agogue F, Starfinger C, et al. Quantifying agitation in sedated ICU patients using digital imaging. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. Nov 2004;76(2):131-141. [CrossRef] [Medline]19,Becouze P, Hann CE, Chase JG, Shaw GM. Measuring facial grimacing for quantifying patient agitation in critical care. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. Aug 2007;87(2):138-147. [CrossRef] [Medline]20]. However, image monitoring faces challenges such as data acquisition, clinical environment influences, workflow integration, and system installation. Therefore, in addition to the imaging model developed by our research team [Dai PY, Wu YC, Sheu RK, et al. An automated ICU agitation monitoring system for video streaming using deep learning classification. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Mar 18, 2024;24(1):77. [CrossRef] [Medline]21], we have created another model using commonly available feature data in most hospitals, serving as an alternative solution when image monitoring is not feasible.

The study employs 2 ML models for ensemble learning to automate RASS assessment. By using undersampling and adjusting the classification sequence, the sensitivity for detecting agitation is enhanced. Although models with higher sensitivity may reduce the accuracy of classifying over-sedated patients, they perform better in mitigating immediate risks. Traditional methods, which involve manual assessments every 4 hours, result in insufficient monitoring, especially for patients who may experience multiple episodes of agitation within a short period. In contrast, our health care information system can transmit data in real time, perform inference every hour, and adjust inference frequency based on clinical needs, enabling more intensive monitoring. This allows clinicians to track patient conditions and respond promptly to changes continuously.

Understanding algorithmic predictions is crucial in clinical practice. Due to the lack of explanations in the decision-making process, clinicians often distrust black-box models. Explainable artificial intelligence enhances transparency, aiding in the development of reliable decision models [Watson DS, Krutzinna J, Bruce IN, et al. Clinical applications of machine learning algorithms: beyond the black box. BMJ. Mar 12, 2019;364:l886. [CrossRef] [Medline]22-Yang G, Ye Q, Xia J. Unbox the black-box for the medical explainable AI via multi-modal and multi-centre data fusion: a mini-review, two showcases and beyond. Inf Fusion. Jan 2022;77:29-52. [CrossRef] [Medline]24]. Continuous analgesics and sedatives ensure optimal gas exchange between patients and ventilators, making deep sedation important during this period [Ng SY, Phua J, Wong YL, et al. Singapore SPICE: sedation practices in intensive care evaluation in Singapore - a prospective cohort study of the public healthcare system. Singapore Med J. Jan 2020;61(1):19-23. [CrossRef] [Medline]25]. For patients with stable parameters such as hemoglobin, hematocrit, blood oxygen saturation, and creatinine, the goal is maintaining light sedation (RASS score 0 to −2) [Bose S, Kelly L, Shahn Z, Novack L, Banner-Goodspeed V, Subramaniam B. Sedative polypharmacy mediates the effect of mechanical ventilation on delirium in critically ill COVID-19 patients: a retrospective cohort study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. Oct 2022;66(9):1099-1106. [CrossRef] [Medline]26]. It has been demonstrated that the interpretability of the model aligns with clinical experience.

This study acknowledges its limitations, particularly the imbalance in case numbers due to the high risk of agitation in patients. Especially for agitated individuals, the model’s precision of 0.03 suggests there is room for improvement. In future clinical applications, we plan to adjust the decision threshold based on specific needs to balance sensitivity and specificity and reduce false positives. Additionally, the study lacks observations of potential drug overdoses at different sedation levels. Future efforts will focus on integrating this model with digital imaging monitoring and a comprehensive drug dosage system. Real-time monitoring will help identify patient conditions, guide prescription adjustments, and accelerate recovery, ultimately supporting early intervention, ensuring patient safety, and improving the quality of intensive care.


This study proposes using ML technology to achieve automated RASS-based assessments in ICU settings, enhancing clinical efficiency, and patient safety. Our integrated learning model, combined with the hospital information system, enables real-time data transmission, supports intensive monitoring, and facilitates continuous tracking of patient conditions. The system automatically categorizes patients into three groups, significantly improving sensitivity in detecting agitation categories. This innovative approach not only alleviates the workload of health care professionals but also advances the precision and intelligence of critical care management.


This study was supported by Taichung Veterans General Hospital (TCVGH-1114404C) and the National Science and Technology Council ( 112-2634-F-A49-003-1,NSTC 113-2634-F-A49-003-1). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Data Availability

All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article.

Authors' Contributions

Conceptualization: PD

Data Curation: PD

Formal Analysis: PD

Investigation: YW

Methodology: YW

Supervision: RS, CW

Validation: RS, CW, SL, PL

Writing – Original Draft: PD, YW

Writing – Review & Editing: PL, WC, GL, CH, LC

Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

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APACHE: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation
AUC: area under the curve
ICU: intensive care unit
ML: machine learning
RASS: Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale
ROC: Receiver Operating Characteristic
TCVGH: Taichung Veterans General Hospital

Edited by Arriel Benis; submitted 25.06.24; peer-reviewed by Anas Maach, Khalid Al Ansari, Peng Wu; final revised version received 27.12.24; accepted 29.01.25; published 26.02.25.


© Pei-Yu Dai, Pei-Yi Lin, Ruey-Kai Sheu, Shu-Fang Liu, Yu-Cheng Wu, Chieh-Liang Wu, Wei-Lin Chen, Chien-Chung Huang, Guan-Yin Lin, Lun-Chi Chen. Originally published in JMIR Medical Informatics (, 26.2.2025.

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