About the Journal

Indexing and Impact Factor

JMIR Medical Informatics (JMI, ISSN 2291-9694) is a sister journal of JMIR, the leading eHealth journal. JMIR Medical Informatics is indexed in MEDLINEPubMedPubMed CentralDOAJ, Scopus, and SCIE (Clarivate)

In 2024, JMIR Medical Informatics received a Journal Impact Factor™ of 3.1 (5-Year Journal Impact Factor: 3.5, ranked Q2 #21/44 journals in the category of Medical Informatics) (Journal Citation Reports™ from Clarivate).

It also received a Scopus CiteScore of 7.9, placing JMIR Medical Informatics in the 78th percentile (#30 of 138) and the 77th percentile (#14 of 59) as a Q1 journal in the fields of Health Informatics and Health Information Management.