Published on in Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Apr-Jun

Adoption Factors of the Electronic Health Record: A Systematic Review

Adoption Factors of the Electronic Health Record: A Systematic Review

Adoption Factors of the Electronic Health Record: A Systematic Review


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  31. Hind D, Drabble S, Arden M, Mandefield L, Waterhouse S, Maguire C, Cantrill H, Robinson L, Beever D, Scott A, Keating S, Hutchings M, Bradley J, Nightingale J, Allenby M, Dewar J, Whelan P, Ainsworth J, Walters S, O’Cathain A, Wildman M. Supporting medication adherence for adults with cystic fibrosis: a randomised feasibility study. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2019;19(1) View
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  35. Kawaguchi H, Koike S, Ohe K. Facility and Regional Factors Associated With the New Adoption of Electronic Medical Records in Japan: Nationwide Longitudinal Observational Study. JMIR Medical Informatics 2019;7(2):e14026 View
  36. Wong M, Huang J, Chan P, Lok V, Leung C, Wang J, Cheung C, Wong W, Cheung N, Ho C, Yeoh E. The Perceptions of and Factors Associated With the Adoption of the Electronic Health Record Sharing System Among Patients and Physicians: Cross-Sectional Survey. JMIR Medical Informatics 2020;8(5):e17452 View
  37. Chattopadhyay T, Mondal H, Mondal S, Dutta R, Saha K, Das D. Prescription digitization, online preservation, and retrieval on a smartphone. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2020;9(10):5295 View
  38. Hind D, Drabble S, Arden M, Mandefield L, Waterhouse S, Maguire C, Cantrill H, Robinson L, Beever D, Scott A, Keating S, Hutchings M, Bradley J, Nightingale J, Allenby M, Dewar J, Whelan P, Ainsworth J, Walters S, Wildman M, O'Cathain A. Feasibility study for supporting medication adherence for adults with cystic fibrosis: mixed-methods process evaluation. BMJ Open 2020;10(10):e039089 View
  39. Esdar M, Hübner U, Thye J, Babitsch B, Liebe J. The Effect of Innovation Capabilities of Health Care Organizations on the Quality of Health Information Technology: Model Development With Cross-sectional Data. JMIR Medical Informatics 2021;9(3):e23306 View
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  41. Tsai C, Eghdam A, Davoody N, Wright G, Flowerday S, Koch S. Effects of Electronic Health Record Implementation and Barriers to Adoption and Use: A Scoping Review and Qualitative Analysis of the Content. Life 2020;10(12):327 View
  42. Aich S, Tripathy S, Joo M, Kim H. Critical Dimensions of Blockchain Technology Implementation in the Healthcare Industry: An Integrated Systems Management Approach. Sustainability 2021;13(9):5269 View
  43. Choi B, Park Y, Park H, Lane C, Jo E, Kang S. Factors of quality of care and their association with smartphone based PHR adoption in South Korean hospitals. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2021;21(1) View
  44. Mukherjee S, Olivieri D, Madhani S, Bonfield C, Mbabazi E, Arman D, Dewan M, Ekramullah S. EMR adoption in Dhaka, Bangladesh: a template to index pediatric central nervous system tumor care and a review of preliminary neuro-oncologic observations. Child's Nervous System 2022;38(8):1497 View
  45. Al Ani M, Garas G, Hollingshead J, Cheetham D, Athanasiou T, Patel V. Which Electronic Health Record System Should We Use? A Systematic Review. Medical Principles and Practice 2022;31(4):342 View
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  49. Schreiber E, Gaebel J, de Hoop T, Neumuth T. The Emergency Medical Team Operating System: design, implementation, and evaluation of a field hospital information management system. JAMIA Open 2022;5(4) View
  50. Gong J, Sihag V, Kong Q, Zhao L. Visualizing Knowledge Evolution Trends and Research Hotspots of Personal Health Data Research: Bibliometric Analysis. JMIR Medical Informatics 2021;9(11):e31142 View
  51. Lam K, Anderson B, Welch Bacon C. The Critical Need for Advanced Training in Electronic Records Use: Implications for Clinical Practice, Education, and the Advancement of Athletic Training. Journal of Athletic Training 2022;57(6):599 View
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  53. Pfeuffer N, Beyer A, Penndorf P, Leiz M, Radicke F, Hoffmann W, van den Berg N. Evaluation of a Health Information Exchange System for Geriatric Health Care in Rural Areas: Development and Technical Acceptance Study. JMIR Human Factors 2022;9(3):e34568 View
  54. Alzghaibi H, Hutchings H. Exploring facilitators of the implementation of electronic health records in Saudi Arabia. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2022;22(1) View
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  56. Chen Y, Hao L, Zou V, Hollander Z, Ng R, Isaac K. Automated medical chart review for breast cancer outcomes research: a novel natural language processing extraction system. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2022;22(1) View
  57. Winckler D. Not another box to check! Using the UTAUT to explore nurses' psychological adaptation to electronic health record usability. Nursing Forum 2022;57(3):412 View
  58. Park Y, Park H, Lee J, Choi B. Hospitals’ Adoption of Mobile-Based Personal Health Record Systems and Patients’ Characteristics: A Cross-Sectional Study Analyzing National Healthcare Big Data. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 2023;60 View
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  60. Bakhtiari Aliabad M, Sadeghi N, Mokhtari-Payam M, Seddighi S, Ehsanzadehsorati S, Mohammad Beygi F. Establishment and Utilization of Electronic Health Records in Iran: A Review of the Policy Documents of the Past Four Decades. Shiraz E-Medical Journal 2023;24(7) View
  61. Pan J, Zhang Z, Peters S, Vatanpour S, Walker R, Lee S, Martin E, Quan H. Cerebrovascular disease case identification in inpatient electronic medical record data using natural language processing. Brain Informatics 2023;10(1) View
  62. Heeres T, Tran T, Noort B. Drivers and Barriers to Implementing the Internet of Things in the Health Care Supply Chain: Mixed Methods Multicase Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e48730 View
  63. Frimpong J, Liu X, Liu L, Zhang R. Adoption of Electronic Health Record Among Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs: Nationwide Cross-Sectional Survey Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e45238 View
  64. Gowda N, Vikas H, Satpathy S, Ramaswamy A, Prabhu M, Kumar A, Kini A, Singh A, Sharma D, Desai D, Sharma J, Gowda P, Rajkumar , Gopinath B, Huded C, Sowmya K, Divya T, Vakharia K, Viswanath S, John D, Gudipati N. Digital elixir for healthcare: market intelligence and policy implications. DECISION 2023;50(4):489 View
  65. Canfell O, Woods L, Meshkat Y, Krivit J, Gunashanhar B, Slade C, Burton-Jones A, Sullivan C. The Impact of Digital Hospitals on Patient and Clinician Experience: Systematic Review and Qualitative Evidence Synthesis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e47715 View
  66. Gaebel J, Schreiber E, Neumuth T. The Emergency Medical Team Operating System — a vision for field hospital data management in following the concepts of predictive, preventive, and personalized medicine. EPMA Journal 2024;15(2):405 View
  67. Kruse C, Krowski N, Rodriguez B, Tran L, Vela J, Brooks M. Telehealth and patient satisfaction: a systematic review and narrative analysis. BMJ Open 2017;7(8):e016242 View
  68. Goldstein N. A Qualitative Study of Physicians’ Views on the Reuse of Electronic Health Record Data for Secondary Analysis. Qualitative Health Research 2024 View
  69. Smith W, Colbert B, Namouz T, Caven D, Ewing J, Albano A. Remote Patient Monitoring Is Associated with Improved Outcomes in Hypertension: A Large, Retrospective, Cohort Analysis. Healthcare 2024;12(16):1583 View
  70. Till L, Leis J, McCombs-Thornton K, Lee H, Reinhart S, Valado T, Briggs R, Bushar J, Fritz L. Improving electronic health record documentation and use to promote evidence-based pediatric care. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2024 View
  71. Faulkenberry G, Masizana A, Mosesane B, Ndlovu K. Clinical Data Flow in Botswana Clinics: Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Assessment. JMIR Research Protocols 2024;13:e52411 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Hiwale S, Ulman S, Subbaraman K. Pre-Screening Systems for Early Disease Prediction, Detection, and Prevention. View
  2. Chou C. IoT as a Service. View
  3. Singh G, Garg V, Tiwari P, Goel R. Applications of Deep Learning and Big IoT on Personalized Healthcare Services. View
  4. Pavão J, Bastardo R, Torres Pereira L, Oliveira P, Costa V, Martins A, Queirós A, Rocha N. Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. View
  5. Moncho V, Marco-Simo J, Cobarsi J. Information Technology and Systems. View
  6. Masmali F, Miah S, Noman N. Big Data Intelligence and Computing. View
  7. Mendoza L, Rivas L, Ganvini C. Information Technology and Systems. View