Published on in Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Apr-Jun

Facilitating Secure Sharing of Personal Health Data in the Cloud

Facilitating Secure Sharing of Personal Health Data in the Cloud

Facilitating Secure Sharing of Personal Health Data in the Cloud

Danan Thilakanathan   1, 2 * , PhD ;   Rafael A. Calvo   1 * , PhD ;   Shiping Chen   1, 3 * , PhD ;   Surya Nepal   3 , PhD ;   Nick Glozier   4 , M.A., MSc., M.B.B.S., MRCPsych, FRANZCP, PhD

1 Software Engineering Lab, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

2 Digital Productivity Flagship, Commonwealth Science Industry Research Organization (CSIRO), Sydney, Australia

3 Data61, Commonwealth Science Industry Research Organization (CSIRO), Sydney, Australia

4 Brain and Mind Research Institute, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

*these authors contributed equally

Corresponding Author:

  • Danan Thilakanathan, PhD
  • Software Engineering Lab
  • School of Electrical and Information Engineering
  • The University of Sydney
  • Level 5, Bldg J03 (Electrical Engineering Building)
  • School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Maze Crescent, The University of Sydney
  • Sydney, 2006
  • Australia
  • Phone: 61 02-9351-8171
  • Fax: 61 02-9351-8171
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