Dynamic Consent: A Possible Solution to Improve Patient Confidence and Trust in How Electronic Patient Records Are Used in Medical Research

Dynamic Consent: A Possible Solution to Improve Patient Confidence and Trust in How Electronic Patient Records Are Used in Medical Research

Dynamic Consent: A Possible Solution to Improve Patient Confidence and Trust in How Electronic Patient Records Are Used in Medical Research


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  49. Cumyn A, Dault R, Barton A, Cloutier A, Ethier J. Citizens, Research Ethics Committee Members and Researchers’ Attitude Toward Information and Consent for the Secondary Use of Health Data: Implications for Research Within Learning Health Systems. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 2021;16(3):165 View
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  62. Molldrem S, Smith A, Subrahmanyam V. Toward Consent in Molecular HIV Surveillance?: Perspectives of Critical Stakeholders. AJOB Empirical Bioethics 2024;15(1):66 View
  63. Lee A, Koo D, Kim I, Lee E, Kim H, Yoo S, Kim J, Choi E, Lee H. Identifying facilitators of and barriers to the adoption of dynamic consent in digital health ecosystems: a scoping review. BMC Medical Ethics 2023;24(1) View
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  67. Brierley R, Pufulete M, Harris J, Bucciarelli-Ducci C, Greenwood J, Dorman S, Anderson R, Rogers C, Reeves B. Developing a UK registry to investigate the role of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) in patients who activate the primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) pathway: a multicentre, feasibility study linking routinely collected electronic patient data. BMJ Open 2018;8(3):e018987 View
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