Articles published in 2015 in this theme: 6 (scroll down to load remaining articles)
Resident Use of Text Messaging for Patient Care: Ease of Use or Breach of Privacy?
Micah T Prochaska, Amber-Nicole Bird, Amar Chadaga, Vineet M Arora
JMIR Med Inform 2015 (Nov 26); 3(4):e37Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Milisa Manojlovich, Julia Adler-Milstein, Molly Harrod, Anne Sales, Timothy P Hofer, Sanjay Saint, Sarah L Krein
JMIR Res Protoc 2015 (Jun 11); 4(2):e72Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Te-Wei Ho, Chen-Wei Huang, Ching-Miao Lin, Feipei Lai, Jian-Jiun Ding, Yi-Lwun Ho, Chi-Sheng Hung
JMIR Med Inform 2015 (May 07); 3(2):e21Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Spyros Kitsiou, Guy Paré, Mirou Jaana
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Mar 12); 17(3):e63Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Julie Hallet, David Wallace, Abraham El-Sedfy, Trevor NT Hall, Najma Ahmed, Jennifer Bridge, Ru Taggar, Andy J Smith, Avery B Nathens, Natalie G Coburn, Lesley Gotlib-Conn
JMIR Res Protoc 2015 (Mar 05); 4(1):e8Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Veteran, Primary Care Provider, and Specialist Satisfaction With Electronic Consultation
Keri L Rodriguez, Kelly H Burkitt, Nichole K Bayliss, Jennifer E Skoko, Galen E Switzer, Susan L Zickmund, Michael J Fine, David S Macpherson
JMIR Med Inform 2015 (Jan 14); 3(1):e5Download Citation: END BibTex RIS