Published on in Vol 5, No 4 (2017): Oct-Dec

Patient Portal Use and Experience Among Older Adults: Systematic Review

Patient Portal Use and Experience Among Older Adults: Systematic Review

Patient Portal Use and Experience Among Older Adults: Systematic Review


  1. van Mens H, Duijm R, Nienhuis R, de Keizer N, Cornet R. Towards an Adoption Framework for Patient Access to Electronic Health Records: Systematic Literature Mapping Study. JMIR Medical Informatics 2020;8(3):e15150 View
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  3. Portz J, Bayliss E, Bull S, Boxer R, Bekelman D, Gleason K, Czaja S. Using the Technology Acceptance Model to Explore User Experience, Intent to Use, and Use Behavior of a Patient Portal Among Older Adults With Multiple Chronic Conditions: Descriptive Qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(4):e11604 View
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  9. Portz J, Lum H, Bull S, Boxer R, Bekelman D, Ford K, Gleason K, Casillas A, Bayliss E. Perceptions of Patient Portal Use for Advance Directive Documentation among Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care 2020;16(3):238 View
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  23. Rees-Punia E, Patel A, Beckwitt A, Leach C, Gapstur S, Smith T. Research Participants’ Perspectives on Using an Electronic Portal for Engagement and Data Collection: Focus Group Results From a Large Epidemiologic Cohort. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(10):e18556 View
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  25. Avdagovska M, Menon D, Stafinski T. Capturing the Impact of Patient Portals Based on the Quadruple Aim and Benefits Evaluation Frameworks: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(12):e24568 View
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  28. Cross D, Levin Z, Raj M. Patient Portal Use, Perceptions of Electronic Health Record Value, and Self-Rated Primary Care Quality Among Older Adults: Cross-sectional Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(5):e22549 View
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  34. Dickman Portz J, Powers J, Casillas A, Baldwin M, Bekelman D, Palen T, Bull S, Kutner J, Bayliss E. Characteristics of Patients and Proxy Caregivers Using Patient Portals in the Setting of Serious Illness and End of Life. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2021;24(11):1697 View
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  36. Moqbel M, Hewitt B, Nah F, McLean R. Sustaining Patient Portal Continuous Use Intention and Enhancing Deep Structure Usage: Cognitive Dissonance Effects of Health Professional Encouragement and Security Concerns. Information Systems Frontiers 2022;24(5):1483 View
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  38. Kaihlanen A, Virtanen L, Buchert U, Safarov N, Valkonen P, Hietapakka L, Hörhammer I, Kujala S, Kouvonen A, Heponiemi T. Towards digital health equity - a qualitative study of the challenges experienced by vulnerable groups in using digital health services in the COVID-19 era. BMC Health Services Research 2022;22(1) View
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  41. Khadjesari Z, Houghton J, Brown T, Jopling H, Stevenson F, Lynch J. Contextual Factors That Impact the Implementation of Patient Portals With a Focus on Older People in Acute Care Hospitals: Scoping Review. JMIR Aging 2023;6:e31812 View
  42. Madabhushi V, McLouth C, King R, Bhakta A, Beck S, Patel J. Age and Medicare Insurance are Barriers to Telemedicine Access—A Quality Improvement Project. The American Surgeon™ 2023;89(5):1643 View
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  44. Singh S, Polavarapu M, Arsene C. Changes in patient portal adoption due to the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic. Informatics for Health and Social Care 2023;48(2):125 View
  45. Matchanova A, Babicz M, Kordovski V, Tierney S, Rahman S, Medina L, Cushman C, Woods S. Does neurocognition contribute to age-related deficits in the online navigation of electronic patient health portals?. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2023;29(7):662 View
  46. Liu S, Osborn A, Bell S, Mecchella J, Hort S, Batsis J. Patient characteristics and utilization of an online patient portal in a rural academic general internal medicine practice. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2022;22(1) View
  47. Partogi M, Gaviria-Valencia S, Alzate Aguirre M, Pick N, Bhopalwala H, Barry B, Kaggal V, Scott C, Kessler M, Moore M, Mitchell J, Chaudhry R, Bonacci R, Arruda-Olson A. Sociotechnical Intervention for Improved Delivery of Preventive Cardiovascular Care to Rural Communities: Participatory Design Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(8):e27333 View
  48. Steele Gray C, Chau E, Tahsin F, Harvey S, Loganathan M, McKinstry B, Mercer S, Nie J, Palen T, Ramsay T, Thavorn K, Upshur R, Wodchis W. Assessing the Implementation and Effectiveness of the Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome Tool for Older Adults With Complex Care Needs: Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(12):e29071 View
  49. Heponiemi T, Virtanen L, Kaihlanen A, Kainiemi Päivikki Koponen E, Koskinen S. Use and changes in the use of the Internet for obtaining services among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal population-based survey study. New Media & Society 2024;26(6):3146 View
  50. Schöpfer C, Ehrler F, Berger A, Bollondi Pauly C, Buytaert L, De La Serna C, Hartheiser F, Fassier T, Clavien C. A Mobile App for Advance Care Planning and Advance Directives (Accordons-nous): Development and Usability Study. JMIR Human Factors 2022;9(2):e34626 View
  51. Cheng C, Elsworth G, Osborne R. Validity Evidence Based on Relations to Other Variables of the eHealth Literacy Questionnaire (eHLQ): Bayesian Approach to Test for Known-Groups Validity. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(10):e30243 View
  52. De Main A, Xie B, Shiroma K, Yeh T, Davis N, Han X. Assessing the Effects of eHealth Tutorials on Older Adults’ eHealth Literacy. Journal of Applied Gerontology 2022;41(7):1675 View
  53. Huhtakangas M, Tuomikoski A, Laukka E, Kääriäinen M, Kanste O. Adult patients’ experiences of patient-professional communication in patient portals: a qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis 2022;20(2):689 View
  54. Yue H, Mail V, DiSalvo M, Borba C, Piechniczek-Buczek J, Yule A. Patient Preferences for Patient Portal–Based Telepsychiatry in a Safety Net Hospital Setting During COVID-19: Cross-sectional Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(1):e33697 View
  55. McAlearney A, Sieck C, Gregory M, Di Tosto G, MacEwan S, DePuccio M, Lee J, Huerta T, Walker D. Examining Patients’ Capacity to Use Patient Portals. Medical Care 2021;59(12):1067 View
  56. Milliren C, Lindsay B, Biernat L, Smith T, Weaver B. Can digital engagement improve outcomes for total joint replacements?. DIGITAL HEALTH 2022;8:205520762210953 View
  57. Yin R, Law K, Neyens D. Examining How Internet Users Trust and Access Electronic Health Record Patient Portals: Survey Study. JMIR Human Factors 2021;8(3):e28501 View
  58. Carini E, Villani L, Pezzullo A, Gentili A, Barbara A, Ricciardi W, Boccia S. The Impact of Digital Patient Portals on Health Outcomes, System Efficiency, and Patient Attitudes: Updated Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(9):e26189 View
  59. Alkureishi M, Choo Z, Rahman A, Ho K, Benning-Shorb J, Lenti G, Velázquez Sánchez I, Zhu M, Shah S, Lee W. Digitally Disconnected: Qualitative Study of Patient Perspectives on the Digital Divide and Potential Solutions. JMIR Human Factors 2021;8(4):e33364 View
  60. Heponiemi T, Kaihlanen A, Kouvonen A, Leemann L, Taipale S, Gluschkoff K. The role of age and digital competence on the use of online health and social care services: A cross-sectional population-based survey. DIGITAL HEALTH 2022;8:205520762210744 View
  61. Wang T, Giunti G, Melles M, Goossens R. Digital Patient Experience: Umbrella Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(8):e37952 View
  62. Son H, Nahm E, Zhu S, Galik E, Van de Castle B, Seidl K, Russomanno V. Older Adults' Perception on and Use of Patient Portals. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 2022;40(1):61 View
  63. Heponiemi T, Kainiemi E, Virtanen L, Saukkonen P, Sainio P, Koponen P, Koskinen S. Predicting Internet Use and Digital Competence Among Older Adults Using Performance Tests of Visual, Physical, and Cognitive Functioning: Longitudinal Population-Based Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e42287 View
  64. Gleason K, Wu M, Wec A, Powell D, Zhang T, Gamper M, Green A, Nothelle S, Amjad H, Wolff J. Use of the patient portal among older adults with diagnosed dementia and their care partners. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2023;19(12):5663 View
  65. Gleason K, Powell D, Wec A, Zou X, Gamper M, Peereboom D, Wolff J. Patient portal interventions: a scoping review of functionality, automation used, and therapeutic elements of patient portal interventions. JAMIA Open 2023;6(3) View
  66. Kainiemi E, Saukkonen P, Virtanen L, Vehko T, Kyytsönen M, Aaltonen M, Heponiemi T. Perceived benefits of digital health and social services among older adults: A population-based cross-sectional survey. DIGITAL HEALTH 2023;9:205520762311735 View
  67. Burgdorf J, Fabius C, Wu M, Gleason K, Wolff J. Patient Portal Use during Home Health Care at an Academic Health System. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2024;25(4):729 View
  68. Oh K, Inoue M, Koizumi N, Beran K, Lee J. Chronic Health Conditions and Patient Portal Use in Caregivers of People With Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. Journal of Applied Gerontology 2024;43(4):363 View
  69. Wang T, Giunti G, Goossens R, Melles M. Timing, Indicators, and Approaches to Digital Patient Experience Evaluation: Umbrella Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e46308 View
  70. Bogulski C, Andersen J, Eswaran S, Willis D, Edem D, McElfish P. Factors Associated with Online Patient Portal Utilization Experience in an Arkansas Phone Survey. Telemedicine and e-Health 2024;30(4):e1148 View
  71. Bullock G, Duncan P, McMurtrie E, Henry K, Graves B, Lake A, McDonough C. Feasibility of Implementing Patient-Reported and Physical Performance Measures to Identify and Manage Fall Risk in Older Adults Within a Secondary Fracture Clinic. Journal of Applied Gerontology 2024;43(6):745 View
  72. Kyytsönen M, Vehko T, Jylhä V, Kinnunen U. Privacy concerns among the users of a national patient portal: A cross-sectional population survey study. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2024;183:105336 View
  73. Wicki S, Clark I, Amann M, Christ S, Schettle M, Hertler C, Theile G, Blum D. Acceptance of Digital Health Technologies in Palliative Care Patients. Palliative Medicine Reports 2024;5(1):34 View
  74. Short-Russell M, Thompson J, Waldrop J. Secure Messaging: Demonstration and Enrollment Patient Portal Program. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 2024:10.1097/CIN.0000000000001098 View
  75. Rawlins M, Yu X. Identifying the Software Quality Attributes that Affect Patient Portal Adoption in Trinidad and Tobago. SN Computer Science 2024;5(2) View
  76. Yoon E, Hur S, Opsasnick L, Huang W, Batio S, Curtis L, Benavente J, Lewis-Thames M, Liebovitz D, Wolf M, Serper M. Disparities in Patient Portal Use Among Adults With Chronic Conditions. JAMA Network Open 2024;7(2):e240680 View
  77. Ploegmakers K, Linn A, Medlock S, Seppälä L, Bahat G, Caballero-Mora M, Ilhan B, Landi F, Masud T, Morrissey Y, Ryg J, Topinkova E, van der Velde N, van Weert J. A European survey of older peoples’ preferences, and perceived barriers and facilitators to inform development of a medication-related fall-prevention patient portal. European Geriatric Medicine 2024;15(3):817 View
  78. Matthews A, Steffen A, Akufo J, Burke L, Diaz H, Dodd D, Hughes A, Madrid S, Onyiapat E, Opuada H, Sejo J, Vilona B, Williams B, Donenberg G. Factors Associated with Uptake of Patient Portals at a Federally Qualified Health Care Center. Healthcare 2024;12(15):1505 View
  79. Durocher K, Shin H, Jackson K, Strudwick G. Women’s experiences of using patient portals in healthcare settings: a rapid review. BMC Women's Health 2024;24(1) View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Alzahrani S, Daim T. R&D Management in the Knowledge Era. View
  2. Alzahrani S, Daim T. R&D Management in the Knowledge Era. View
  3. Eriksson-Backa K, Ahmad F, Huvila I, Enwald H, Hirvonen N. Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era. View
  4. Karimi P, Ballard K, Vazirani P, Jorigay R, Martin-Hammond A. Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. View
  5. Enwald H, Eriksson-Backa K, Hirvonen N, Huvila I. Information Experience and Information Literacy. View