Articles published in this theme: 16 (scroll down to load remaining articles)
William Trevena, Xiang Zhong, Michelle Alvarado, Alexander Semenov, Alp Oktay, Devin Devlin, Aarya Yogesh Gohil, Sai Harsha Chittimouju
J Med Internet Res 2025 (Jan 30); 27:e54601Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Benjamin Bugnon, Francesca Bosisio, Alain Kaufmann, Pascal Bonnabry, Antoine Geissbuhler, Christian von Plessen
J Particip Med 2025 (Jan 28); 17:e50828Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Donielle Beiler, Aanya Chopra, Christina M Gregor, Lorraine D Tusing, Apoorva M Pradhan, Katrina M Romagnoli, Chadd K Kraus, Brian J Piper, Eric A Wright, Vanessa Troiani
JMIR Form Res 2024 (Dec 23); 8:e65957Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Tomoyuki Takura, Hiroyoshi Yokoi, Asao Honda
JMIR Aging 2024 (Dec 06); 7:e59234Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Greet Van De Sijpe, Matthias Gijsen, Lorenz Van der Linden, Stephanie Strouven, Eline Simons, Emily Martens, Nele Persan, Veerle Grootaert, Veerle Foulon, Minne Casteels, Sandra Verelst, Peter Vanbrabant, Sabrina De Winter, Isabel Spriet
J Med Internet Res 2024 (Nov 27); 26:e55185Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Tarso Augusto Duenhas Accorsi, Anderson Aires Eduardo, Carlos Guilherme Baptista, Flavio Tocci Moreira, Renata Albaladejo Morbeck, Karen Francine Köhler, Karine de Amicis Lima, Carlos Henrique Sartorato Pedrotti
JMIR Med Inform 2024 (Oct 25); 12:e56681Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Ann Lykkegaard Soerensen, Marie Haase Juhl, Marlene Lunddal Krogh, Mette Grønkjær, Jette Kolding Kristensen, Anne Estrup Olesen
JMIR Res Protoc 2024 (Jul 23); 13:e56277Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Julianne E Brady, Amy M Linsky, Steven R Simon, Kate Yeksigian, Amy Rubin, Alan J Zillich, Alissa L Russ-Jara
JMIR Hum Factors 2022 (Aug 03); 9(3):e36652Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Benjamin Bugnon, Antoine Geissbuhler, Thomas Bischoff, Pascal Bonnabry, Christian von Plessen
JMIR Form Res 2021 (Jan 07); 5(1):e22319Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Harry Tunnell, Anthony Faiola, Davide Bolchini, Rebecca Bartlett Ellis
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018 (Nov 01); 6(11):e11131Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Wen-Ting Hsieh, Yung-Cheng Su, Hsin-Lien Han, Ming-Yuan Huang
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018 (Jul 03); 6(7):e154Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

George Yaccoub Matta, Elaine C Khoong, Courtney R Lyles, Dean Schillinger, Neda Ratanawongsa
JMIR Med Inform 2018 (May 07); 6(2):e10167Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Ju Long, Michael Juntao Yuan, Robina Poonawala
Interact J Med Res 2016 (May 16); 5(2):e14Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records: Experiences From the Field and Future Opportunities
Sarah Patricia Slight, Eta S Berner, William Galanter, Stanley Huff, Bruce L Lambert, Carole Lannon, Christoph U Lehmann, Brian J McCourt, Michael McNamara, Nir Menachemi, Thomas H Payne, S Andrew Spooner, Gordon D Schiff, Tracy Y Wang, Ayse Akincigil, Stephen Crystal, Stephen P Fortmann, David W Bates
JMIR Med Inform 2015 (Sep 18); 3(3):e30Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Leonie Heyworth, Justice Clark, Thomas B Marcello, Allison M Paquin, Max Stewart, Cliona Archambeault, Steven R Simon
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Dec 02); 15(12):e264Download Citation: END BibTex RIS