Call for Papers: AI Language Models in Health Care

JMIR Medical Informatics, a leading SCIE/PubMed/Scopus-indexed, peer-reviewed journal with a unique focus on clinical informatics, is inviting submissions to a new section titled, “AI Language Models in Health Care.” This section will have a broad focus and encompass topics about the successful implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) language models in diverse health care settings. The topics will include details about the process, use, outcomes, and factors that might influence successful model integration.

JMIR Medical Informatics invites contributions that delve into the reliability, transparency, and evidence-based effectiveness of AI language models, shedding light on their real-world impact on patient care, medical education, research, and health care systems at large. The objective is to foster a rich dialogue that not only unveils innovative applications but also confronts the hurdles of implementing such technologies in diverse health care environments and their impacts. We aspire to create a robust foundation for leveraging AI language models to increase the quality and efficiency of health care delivery while upholding the highest standards of safety and ethics.

AI language models hold substantial promise within health care settings but also come with challenges associated with their integration. Accordingly, the new section invites topics including but not limited to the following:

  • Comparative analyses of policies and regulations across different countries
  • Conducive environments for global AI language model implementations
  • Strategies to ensure unbiased, reliable, transparent, and ethical use of AI language models in health care
  • Comprehensive methodologies for AI language model implementations in health care settings 
  • Case studies on the real-world impact and effectiveness of AI language models across various health care settings
  • Outcomes of AI language model implementation, including acceptability, adoption, feasibility, cost-effectiveness, sustainability, safety, and usability within health care settings 

How to Submit: Please submit to JMIR Medical Informatics by selecting “AI Language Models in Health Care” in the “Section” drop-down list. Consult our instructions for authors for more information on how to submit a manuscript.

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Submission Guidelines: All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process, and accepted articles will be published as part of the “AI Language Models in Health Care” section. 

Associate Editor:  Alexandre Castonguay

Editor-in-Chief: Christian Lovis