Published on in Vol 3, No 4 (2015): Oct-Dec

Outcomes From Health Information Exchange: Systematic Review and Future Research Needs

Outcomes From Health Information Exchange: Systematic Review and Future Research Needs

Outcomes From Health Information Exchange: Systematic Review and Future Research Needs


  1. Graham T, Ballermann M, Lang E, Bullard M, Parsons D, Mercuur G, San Agustin P, Ali S. Emergency Physician Use of the Alberta Netcare Portal, a Province-Wide Interoperable Electronic Health Record: Multi-Method Observational Study. JMIR Medical Informatics 2018;6(3):e10184 View
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  11. Feldman S. An Early Model for Value and Sustainability in Health Information Exchanges: Qualitative Study. JMIR Medical Informatics 2018;6(2):e29 View
  12. Vest J, Unruh M, Casalino L, Shapiro J. The complementary nature of query-based and directed health information exchange in primary care practice. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2020;27(1):73 View
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  15. Vest J, Unruh M, Shapiro J, Casalino L. The associations between query‐based and directed health information exchange with potentially avoidable use of health care services. Health Services Research 2019;54(5):981 View
  16. Kaukinen D. JSON-LD as an Interchange Technology to Facilitate Health Information Exchange. International Journal of Extreme Automation and Connectivity in Healthcare 2019;1(1):66 View
  17. Berntsen G, Strisland F, Malm-Nicolaisen K, Smaradottir B, Fensli R, Røhne M. The Evidence Base for an Ideal Care Pathway for Frail Multimorbid Elderly: Combined Scoping and Systematic Intervention Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(4):e12517 View
  18. Powell J, Cook J, Wang Y, Peck R, Weiner D. Drug Dosing Recommendations for All Patients: A Roadmap for Change. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2021;109(1):65 View
  19. Massoudi B, Marcial L, Tant E, Adler-Milstein J, West S. Using health information exchanges to calculate clinical quality measures: A study of barriers and facilitators. Healthcare 2016;4(2):104 View
  20. Dixon B, Zhang Z, Arno J, Revere D, Joseph Gibson P, Grannis S. Improving Notifiable Disease Case Reporting Through Electronic Information Exchange–Facilitated Decision Support: A Controlled Before-and-After Trial. Public Health Reports® 2020;135(3):401 View
  21. Liss D, Brown T, Wakeman J, Dunn S, Cesan A, Guzman A, Desai A, Buchanan D. Development of a Smartphone App for Regional Care Coordination Among High-Risk, Low-Income Patients. Telemedicine and e-Health 2020;26(11):1391 View
  22. Bowden T, Coiera E. The role and benefits of accessing primary care patient records during unscheduled care: a systematic review. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2017;17(1) View
  23. Boockvar K, Ho W, Pruskowski J, DiPalo K, Wong J, Patel J, Nebeker J, Kaushal R, Hung W. Effect of health information exchange on recognition of medication discrepancies is interrupted when data charges are introduced: results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2017;24(6):1095 View
  24. Roth C, Lannum L, Persons K. A Foundation for Enterprise Imaging: HIMSS-SIIM Collaborative White Paper. Journal of Digital Imaging 2016;29(5):530 View
  25. Klein D, Pham K, Samy L, Bluth A, Nazi K, Witry M, Klutts J, Grant K, Gundlapalli A, Kochersberger G, Pfeiffer L, Romero S, Vetter B, Turvey C. The Veteran-Initiated Electronic Care Coordination: A Multisite Initiative to Promote and Evaluate Consumer-Mediated Health Information Exchange. Telemedicine and e-Health 2017;23(4):264 View
  26. Power T, Michel J, Mayne S, Miller J, Blum N, Grundmeier R, Guevara J, Fiks A. Coordinating systems of care using health information technology: development of the ADHD Care Assistant. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion 2016;9(3-4):201 View
  27. Nguyen K, Haggstrom D, Ofner S, Perkins S, French D, Myers L, Rosenman M, Weiner M, Dixon B, Zillich A. Medication Use among Veterans across Health Care Systems. Applied Clinical Informatics 2017;26(01):235 View
  28. Schmit C, Wetter S, Kash B. Falling short: how state laws can address health information exchange barriers and enablers. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2018;25(6):635 View
  29. Valentic M, Plese B, Pristas I, Ivankovic D. Addressing the Data Linking Challenges. Methods of Information in Medicine 2017;56(05):407 View
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  31. Menachemi N, Rahurkar S, Harle C, Vest J. The benefits of health information exchange: an updated systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2018;25(9):1259 View
  32. Tharmalingam S, Hagens S, Zelmer J. The value of connected health information: perceptions of electronic health record users in Canada. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2016;16(1) View
  33. Maehder K, Löwe B, Härter M, Heddaeus D, Scherer M, Weigel A. Management of comorbid mental and somatic disorders in stepped care approaches in primary care: a systematic review. Family Practice 2019;36(1):38 View
  34. Dobrow M, Bytautas J, Tharmalingam S, Hagens S. Interoperable Electronic Health Records and Health Information Exchanges: Systematic Review. JMIR Medical Informatics 2019;7(2):e12607 View
  35. Kash B, Baek J, Davis E, Champagne-Langabeer T, Langabeer J. Review of successful hospital readmission reduction strategies and the role of health information exchange. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2017;104:97 View
  36. Sadoughi F, Nasiri S, Ahmadi H. The impact of health information exchange on healthcare quality and cost-effectiveness: A systematic literature review. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2018;161:209 View
  37. Motulsky A, Weir D, Couture I, Sicotte C, Gagnon M, Buckeridge D, Tamblyn R. Usage and accuracy of medication data from nationwide health information exchange in Quebec, Canada. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2018;25(6):722 View
  38. Austin E, Blakely B, Tufanaru C, Selwood A, Braithwaite J, Clay-Williams R. Strategies to measure and improve emergency department performance: a scoping review. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2020;28(1) View
  39. Everson J, Kocher K, Adler-Milstein J. Health information exchange associated with improved emergency department care through faster accessing of patient information from outside organizations. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2017;24(e1):e103 View
  40. Mäenpää T, Asikainen P, Suominen T. Views of patient, healthcare professionals and administrative staff on flow of information and collaboration in a regional health information exchange: a qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2017;31(4):939 View
  41. Lengel A, Carpenter E, Azzi A, DiDonato K. Identifying Barriers That Prevent the Usage of Health Information Exchange in Ohio. Journal of Pharmacy Technology 2020;36(4):148 View
  42. Chen M, Guo S, Tan X. Does Health Information Exchange Improve Patient Outcomes? Empirical Evidence From Florida Hospitals. Health Affairs 2019;38(2):197 View
  43. Usher M, Sahni N, Herrigel D, Simon G, Melton G, Joseph A, Olson A. Diagnostic Discordance, Health Information Exchange, and Inter-Hospital Transfer Outcomes: a Population Study. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2018;33(9):1447 View
  44. Thompson M, Graetz I. Hospital adoption of interoperability functions. Healthcare 2019;7(3):100347 View
  45. Captur G, Stables R, Kehoe D, Deanfield J, Moon J. Why democratise bioinformatics?. BMJ Innovations 2016;2(4):166 View
  46. Keen J, Abdulwahid M, King N, Wright J, Randell R, Gardner P, Waring J, Longo R, Nikolova S, Sloan C, Greenhalgh J. The effects of interoperable information technology networks on patient safety: a realist synthesis. Health Services and Delivery Research 2020;8(40):1 View
  47. Horne W, Ben Miled Z. Making the Case for a P2P Personal Health Record. Information 2020;11(11):512 View
  48. Chandrasekaran R, Sankaranarayanan B, Pendergrass J. Unfulfilled promises of health information exchange: What inhibits ambulatory clinics from electronically sharing health information?. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2021;149:104418 View
  49. Nahm E, Schoenbaum A, Behm C, Rowen L. Health Information Exchange. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 2020;50(11):584 View
  50. Keen J, Abdulwahid M, King N, Wright J, Randell R, Gardner P, Waring J, Longo R, Nikolova S, Sloan C, Greenhalgh J. Effects of interorganisational information technology networks on patient safety: a realist synthesis. BMJ Open 2020;10(10):e036608 View
  51. Ammenwerth E, Duftschmid G, Al-Hamdan Z, Bawadi H, Cheung N, Cho K, Goldfarb G, Gülkesen K, Harel N, Kimura M, Kırca Ö, Kondoh H, Koch S, Lewy H, Mize D, Palojoki S, Park H, Pearce C, de Quirós F, Saranto K, Seidel C, Vimarlund V, Were M, Westbrook J, Wong C, Haux R, Lehmann C. International Comparison of Six Basic eHealth Indicators Across 14 Countries: An eHealth Benchmarking Study. Methods of Information in Medicine 2020;59(S 02):e46 View
  52. Vandenberg A, Jaar B, James K, Lea J, O’Donnell C, Masud T, Mutell R, Plantinga L. Making sense of DialysisConnect: a qualitative analysis of stakeholder viewpoints on a web-based information exchange platform to improve care transitions between dialysis clinics and hospitals. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2021;21(1) View
  53. Shade S, Marseille E, Kirby V, Chakravarty D, Steward W, Koester K, Cajina A, Myers J, Adamson B. Health information technology interventions and engagement in HIV care and achievement of viral suppression in publicly funded settings in the US: A cost-effectiveness analysis. PLOS Medicine 2021;18(4):e1003389 View
  54. D’Amore J, McCrary L, Denson J, Li C, Vitale C, Tokachichu P, Sittig D, McCoy A, Wright A. Clinical data sharing improves quality measurement and patient safety. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2021;28(7):1534 View
  55. Barks M, Schindler E, Ubel P, Jiao M, Pollak K, Huffstetler H, Lemmon M. Assessment of parent understanding in conferences for critically ill neonates. Patient Education and Counseling 2021 View
  56. Li E, Clarke J, Neves A, Ashrafian H, Darzi A. Electronic Health Records, Interoperability and Patient Safety in Health Systems of High-income Countries: A Systematic Review Protocol. BMJ Open 2021;11(7):e044941 View
  57. Dennis A, White P, Zayas-Cabán T. Fast-Tracking Health Data Standards Development and Adoption in Real-World Settings: A Pilot Approach. Applied Clinical Informatics 2021;12(04):745 View
  58. Janich N, Vazquez-Arreola E. Patient Service Utilization Among Individuals with Co-occurring Disorders: A Comparison of Two Models of Care Coordination. Community Mental Health Journal 2022;58(6):1168 View
  59. Cotton K, Booth R, McMurray J, Treesh R. Understanding health information exchange processes within Canadian long‐term care: A scoping review. International Journal of Older People Nursing 2023;18(1) View
  60. Pai D, Rajan B, Chakraborty S. Do EHR and HIE deliver on their promise? Analysis of Pennsylvania acute care hospitals. International Journal of Production Economics 2022;245:108398 View
  61. Dupont S, Nemeth J, Turbow S. Effects of Health Information Exchanges in the Adult Inpatient Setting: a Systematic Review. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2023;38(4):1046 View
  62. Plantinga L, Hoge C, Vandenberg A, James K, Masud T, Khakharia A, Gray C, Jaar B, Lea J, O'Donnell C, Mutell R. A Web-Based, Provider-Driven Mobile App to Enhance Patient Care Coordination Between Dialysis Facilities and Hospitals: Development and Pilot Implementation Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(6):e36052 View
  63. De Swart M, Zonderhuis B, Hellingman T, Kuiper B, Dickhoff C, Heineman D, Hendrickx J, Kouwenhoven M, Van Moorselaar R, Schuur M, Tenhagen M, Van Der Velde S, De Witt Hamer P, Zijlstra J, Kazemier G. Incomplete patient information exchange and unnecessary repeat diagnostics during oncological referrals in the Netherlands: exploring the role of information exchange. Health Informatics Journal 2023;29(1) View
  64. McCall A, Davison M, Massey A, Oester C, Weber A, Buckthorpe M, Duffield R. The exchange of health and performance information when transitioning from club to National football teams: A Delphi survey of National team practitioners. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2022;25(6):486 View
  65. Odoom J, Huang X, Danso S. COVID‐19 and future pandemics: A blockchain‐based privacy‐aware secure borderless travel solution from electronic health records. Software: Practice and Experience 2022;52(10):2263 View
  66. Li E, Clarke J, Ashrafian H, Darzi A, Neves A. The Impact of Electronic Health Record Interoperability on Safety and Quality of Care in High-Income Countries: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(9):e38144 View
  67. Samal L, Fu H, Camara D, Wang J, Bierman A, Dorr D. Health information technology to improve care for people with multiple chronic conditions. Health Services Research 2021;56(S1):1006 View
  68. Gaillard A, García-Lorenzo B, Renaud T, Wittwer J. Does integrated care mean fewer hospitalizations? An evaluation of a French field experiment. Health Policy 2022;126(8):786 View
  69. Santos P, Faughnan K, Prost C, Tschampl C. Systemic barriers to care coordination for marginalized and vulnerable populations. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness 2023;32(2):234 View
  70. Abdullahi I, Raab R, Küderle A, Eskofier B. Aligning Federated Learning with Existing Trust Structures in Health Care Systems. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023;20(7):5378 View
  71. Clermont G. The Learning Electronic Health Record. Critical Care Clinics 2023;39(4):689 View
  72. Cho N, Hong K. Scratch Where It Itches: Electronic Sharing of Health Information and Costs. Healthcare 2023;11(14):2023 View
  73. Li E, Lounsbury O, Clarke J, Ashrafian H, Darzi A, Neves A. Perceptions of chief clinical information officers on the state of electronic health records systems interoperability in NHS England: a qualitative interview study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2023;23(1) View
  75. Matthews E, Stanhope V, Hu Y. Barriers to Health Information Exchange Among Ambulatory Physicians: Results From a Nationally Representative Sample. Journal for Healthcare Quality 2023;45(6):352 View
  76. Lu C, Jette G, Falls Z, Jacobs D, Gibson W, Bednarczyk E, Kuo T, Lape-Newman B, Leonard K, Elkin P. A cohort of patients in New York State with an alcohol use disorder and subsequent treatment information – A merging of two administrative data sources. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2023;144:104443 View
  77. Odoom J, Huang X, Zhou Z, Danso S, Nyarko B, Zheng J, Xiang Y. Blockchain-assisted sharing of electronic health records: a feasible privacy-centric constant-size ring signature framework. International Journal of Computers and Applications 2023;45(9):564 View
  78. Matthews E. The Impact of Delivery Reform on Health Information Exchange with Behavioral Health Providers: Results from a National Representative Survey of Ambulatory Physicians. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 2024;51(5):818 View
  79. Luu H, Campbell W, Cholan R, Edgerton M, Englund A, Keller A, Korte E, Mitchell S, Watkins G, Westervelt L, Wyman D, Powell S. Analysis of laboratory data transmission between two healthcare institutions using a widely used point-to-point health information exchange platform: a case report. JAMIA Open 2024;7(2) View
  80. Terpou B, Lapointe-Shaw L, Wang R, Martin D, Tadrous M, Bhatia S, Shuldiner J, Berthelot S, Thakkar N, McBrien K, Salahub C, Kiran T, Ivers N, Desveaux L, Gholipour K. A shifting terrain: Understanding the perspectives of walk-in physicians on their roles amid worsening primary care access in Ontario, Canada. PLOS ONE 2024;19(5):e0303107 View
  81. Goldhaber N, Jacobs M, Laurent L, Knight R, Zhu W, Pham D, Tran A, Patel S, Hogarth M, Longhurst C. Integrating clinical research into electronic health record workflows to support a learning health system. JAMIA Open 2024;7(2) View
  82. Shang Y, Tian Y, Lyu K, Zhou T, Zhang P, Chen J, Li J. Electronic Health Record–Oriented Knowledge Graph System for Collaborative Clinical Decision Support Using Multicenter Fragmented Medical Data: Design and Application Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e54263 View
  83. Alabdulkarim Y, Alameer A, Almukaynizi M, Almaslukh A. SPIN: A Blockchain-Based Framework for Sharing COVID-19 Pandemic Information across Nations. Applied Sciences 2021;11(18):8767 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Qian S. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. View
  2. van de Wetering R. Business Information Systems Workshops. View
  3. van de Wetering R. Business Information Systems Workshops. View
  4. Qian S. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. View
  5. Alverson D. Telemedicine, Telehealth and Telepresence. View
  6. Qian S. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. View