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Published on 28.10.16 in Vol 4, No 4 (2016): Oct-Dec

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Works citing "Natural Language Processing–Enabled and Conventional Data Capture Methods for Input to Electronic Health Records: A Comparative Usability Study"

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  2. . Challenges for learning health systems in the NHS. Case study: electronic health records in cardiology. Future Healthcare Journal 2017;4(3):193
  3. Payne TH, Alonso WD, Markiel JA, Lybarger K, Lordon R, Yetisgen M, Zech JM, White AA. Using voice to create inpatient progress notes: effects on note timeliness, quality, and physician satisfaction. JAMIA Open 2018;1(2):218
  4. Velupillai S, Suominen H, Liakata M, Roberts A, Shah AD, Morley K, Osborn D, Hayes J, Stewart R, Downs J, Chapman W, Dutta R. Using clinical Natural Language Processing for health outcomes research: Overview and actionable suggestions for future advances. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2018;88:11
  5. Grön L, Bertels A. Clinical sublanguages. Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication 2018;24(1):41
  6. Guetterman TC, Chang T, DeJonckheere M, Basu T, Scruggs E, Vydiswaran VV. Augmenting Qualitative Text Analysis with Natural Language Processing: Methodological Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(6):e231
  7. Payne TH, Alonso WD, Markiel JA, Lybarger K, White AA. Using voice to create hospital progress notes: Description of a mobile application and supporting system integrated with a commercial electronic health record. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2018;77:91
  8. Yazdani A, Safdari R, Golkar A, R. Niakan Kalhori S. Words prediction based on N-gram model for free-text entry in electronic health records. Health Information Science and Systems 2019;7(1)
  9. Lorenzetti DL, Quan H, Lucyk K, Cunningham C, Hennessy D, Jiang J, Beck CA. Strategies for improving physician documentation in the emergency department: a systematic review. BMC Emergency Medicine 2018;18(1)
  10. . Enhancing Disability Determination Decision Process Through Natural Language Processing. International Journal of Applied Research on Public Health Management 2019;4(2):15
  11. Hodgson T, Magrabi F, Coiera E. Efficiency and safety of speech recognition for documentation in the electronic health record. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2017;24(6):1127
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