Search Results (1 to 10 of 111 Results)
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Skip search results from other journals and go to results- 29 Journal of Medical Internet Research
- 19 JMIR Research Protocols
- 15 JMIR Formative Research
- 5 JMIR Human Factors
- 5 JMIR Serious Games
- 5 JMIR mHealth and uHealth
- 4 JMIR Medical Informatics
- 4 JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting
- 3 JMIR Aging
- 3 JMIR Medical Education
- 3 JMIR Mental Health
- 3 JMIR Public Health and Surveillance
- 3 JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies
- 2 JMIR Cardio
- 2 JMIR Dermatology
- 1 Interactive Journal of Medical Research
- 1 JMIR Biomedical Engineering
- 1 JMIR Infodemiology
- 1 JMIR Neurotechnology
- 1 JMIR Nursing
- 1 JMIR XR and Spatial Computing (JMXR)
- 0 Medicine 2.0
- 0 Iproceedings
- 0 JMIR Preprints
- 0 JMIR Bioinformatics and Biotechnology
- 0 JMIR Cancer
- 0 JMIR Challenges
- 0 JMIR Diabetes
- 0 JMIR Data
- 0 Journal of Participatory Medicine
- 0 JMIR Perioperative Medicine
- 0 JMIRx Med
- 0 JMIRx Bio
- 0 Transfer Hub (manuscript eXchange)
- 0 Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal
- 0 Online Journal of Public Health Informatics
Ellen Brox, Stathis Th Konstantinidis, Gunn Evertsen
JMIR Serious Games 2017;5(1):e2Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Yipei Wang, Pei Zhang, Yan Xing, Huifeng Shi, Yunpu Cui, Yuan Wei, Ke Zhang, Xinxia Wu, Hong Ji, Xuedong Xu, Yanhui Dong, Changxiao Jin
J Med Internet Res 2024;26:e57814Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Priya R Pathak, Melissa S Stockwell, Mariellen M Lane, Laura Robbins-Milne, Suzanne Friedman, Kalpana Pethe, Margaret C Krause, Karen Soren, Luz Adriana Matiz, Lauren B Solomon, Maria E Burke, Edith Bracho-Sanchez
JMIR Pediatr Parent 2024;7:e57702Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Lisa Morrison, Zoe Louise Saynor, Alison Kirk, Lisa McCann
JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol 2024;11:e55718Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Renaldo Bernard, Carla Sabariego, Alarcos Cieza
J Med Internet Res 2016;18(6):e157Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Stroke Survivors’ Interaction With Hand Rehabilitation Devices: Observational Study
Chioma Obinuchi Wodu, Gillian Sweeney, Milena Slachetka, Andrew Kerr
JMIR Biomed Eng 2024;9:e54159Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Aimee Castro, Gabrielle Lalonde-LeBlond, Zelda Freitas, Antonia Arnaert, Vasiliki Bitzas, John Kildea, Karyn Moffatt, Devon Phillips, Lorne Wiseblatt, Audrey-Jane Hall, Véronique Després, Argerie Tsimicalis
JMIR Nursing 2024;7:e53078Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Lu Ji, Yifan Yao, Dandan Yu, Wen Chen, Shanshan Yin, Yun Fu, Shangfeng Tang, Lan Yao
J Med Internet Res 2024;26:e51477Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Dongliang Li, Rujia Zhang, Chun Chen, Yunyun Huang, Xiaoyi Wang, Qingren Yang, Xuebo Zhu, Xiangyang Zhang, Mo Hao, Liming Shui
JMIR Med Inform 2023;11:e41212Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Cassandra E L Seah, Zheyuan Zhang, Sijin Sun, Esther Wiskerke, Sarah Daniels, Talya Porat, Rafael A Calvo
JMIR Aging 2022;5(4):e40360Download Citation: END BibTex RIS